Danza Classica

Con il metodo della Royal Academy of Dance di Londra, la scuola offre vari livelli d'insegnamento. I corsi partono dal Propedeutica (5 anni) fino al livello Advanced con un corso per adolescenti e adulti principianti. Inoltre, ogni due anni gli allievi della scuola media e superiore possono affrontare un esame organizzato dalla RAD di Londra.

Danza NeoJazz

Questa disciplina di danza unisce tecnica classica e stile tradizionale seguendo un metodo codificato, distingue otto livelli di insegnamento partendo dal NeoJazz Junior (8 anni) fino al NeoJazz Adulti (principianti).

Danza Contemporanea

E' un lavoro corporeo che sviluppa tecniche contemporanee come release tecnique, floor-work, contact e improvvisazione per strutturare un metodo personale d'insegnamento con qui espande sullo spazio virtuale.

Hip Hop

Questa danza che non ha bisogno di presentazione possiede le sue radici ventennali derivante dalle strade degli Stati Uniti. Da noi viene insegnata con il metodo old e new school accompagnato dalla musica Rap o R' n B'.

Danza del ventre

La Danza del Ventre è un modo d'espressione metaforico e magico, che si nutre della simbologia femminile. Si basa su movimenti ondulatori, soprattutto del bacino, sinuosi lenti e brevi che sembrano fare davvero bene al corpo ed allo spirito. La danza del ventre migliora il benessere del corpo: aumenta la percezione e la consapevolezza del proprio corpo, potenzia l'espressione corporea e la sensualità, migliora la respirazione, la circolazione e il portamento, esprime giovinezza e vitalità, allevia i dolori mestruali e i dolori di schiena.

Anat Weinberger

Artistic Director – Ballet

She was trained at the Bat-Dor School of Dance in Tel Aviv and later joined the company, dancing works by Hans van Manen, Paul Taylor, Lar Lubovich, Oscar Araiz and others. After years of international touring with the Bat-Dor Dance Company, Anat decided to move to London to develop other forms of performing arts enrolling herself to the Desmond Jones School of Mime and Physical Theatre. That training enabled her to work in the theatre scene in London collaborating with actors and dancers.

Later on, she continued her studying obtaining the Professional Dance Teacher Certificate at the Royal Academy of Dance in London.

Since then, she teaches, choreographs and is the artistic director of the Vic Ballet School.

Hans Camille Vancol

Artistic Director – Neojazz

Trained at Les Ballets jazz de Montréal where he became principal dancer, then soloist at Le Ballet du Grand Theatre de Genève and principal at Il Balletto di Venezia where he danced with illustrious partners creations by Mats Ek, Jiri Kylian, Louis Falco, Birgit Cullberg and participated in numerous Italian TV shows as a guest principal dancer.

From the year 2000, he is director of the Vic Ballet Academy and after more than thirty five years of experience as a dancer, teacher and choreographer, Hans has codified a syllabus of jazz dancing called Neo Jazz that he’s been teaching for the last fifteen years. He is currently finishing to write a book about the method.
Additionally, he has been the artistic director of Dream On, the drug prevention project promoted by the Veneto Region and the Regional Observatory of Addiction and he obtained numerous awards for directing dance shows and dance videos.


Greta Bragantini


Greta is the founder and artistic director of the Centro Professionale Auditorium Ballet and of the IUVENIS Danza Company. With a rich career behind her as a choreographer and teacher in prestigious European festivals, in 2015, Greta founded and directed ADT (Advance Dance Training), a three-year advanced training course in contemporary dance. Furthermore, he continues to teach and choreograph throughout the national territory and in Europe and from 2021, he becomes part of Laura Corradi’s Ersilia Danza network.

From this year, he will be a teacher of our contemporary course and it is with this act of collaboration that we want to share his mastery with you.


Kyda Pozza

Hip Hop

In 2014 he began his training in the world of Hip-hop and House. In 2019 she began teaching and in the meantime continued her training through various professional courses such as ADT, directed by Greta Bragantini and NOHA, directed by Omid Ighani and Marisa Ragazzo, where she then graduated. He also takes part in various stages, battles and residencies throughout Italy. Since 2022 he has been an integral part of the DacruDanceCompany and performs with various shows, both of the company and otherwise, throughout Europe.